Letter from President

Letter from President



Dear Families,

I am Julio César, current president of the Board of Directors of the AMPA CEIP LOS DOLSES, the work of the AMPA, is an essential pillar for the proper functioning of the center and the entire educational community. Through this letter I would like to explain to you what the task of the AMPA, an association of mothers and fathers and / or guardians of students enrolled in an educational center.

The AMPA is the natural channel of collective participation of families. The purposes of the AMPA are, among others: To assist families or guardians in everything related to the education of their sons and daughters. Collaborate in the activities of the center and promote the participation of families in them. Facilitate the participation of families in the School Council (governing body of the centers).

In practice, all of the above involves informing, advising, supporting and helping families in all aspects related to the educational dynamics of the center. Without the effort of all those who make up the AMPA, there would be limitations that would affect us significantly. For all this, do not hesitate to collaborate actively and take the initiative to restart the role of the AMPA in our Educational Center.

In our School we are not yet lucky enough to have a particularly active AMPA, which organizes activities, which takes care of families, which takes care of the students, but we will do our best so that we will soon have it. In a few days we have created a telegram channel, a Facebook page and a very interesting website that is already in operation, so we can keep families informed.

In short, what does AMPA need? Partners, mothers and fathers eager to work and contribute ideas, collaborating in the activities, working together so that, together, we make the educational task easier, organized and more effective. Each parent can participate to the extent of their possibilities, in a timely manner in the organization and implementation of events or providing ideas and presence when needed.


On my behalf, and on behalf of all of us who are part of ampaly, we welcome you to the school and hope to be able to count on your support. Greetings,

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Julio-Battaglia-300x200.jpg
Ph. D. Julio César Battaglia